The Jackpot Hour With(out) Jack Power
It's The Jackpot Hour with Jack Power, America's #1 game show! Even though Jack Power has left to host his own talk show, The Jackpot Hour with Jack Power must go now, welcome your new host, NOT Jack Power!
Meet Cliff Kunkel. He's NOT Jack Power, but he's the new host of The Jackpot Hour With Jack Power, America's #1 Game Show, now that Jack Power has left to try his hand at replacing Johnny Carson with his own talk show, "Jack Chats!".
Except Cliff doesn't have any hosting experience...and he kind of doesn't know the rules of the show, and oh yeah, The Jackpot Hour With Jack Power is filmed live for some reason.
"Motz performs so effortlessly yet by the end you’ll know he’s carefully crafted each and every moment to a T."
- One Girl, Two Cities
"Motz has once again proven himself as one of the best playwrights in the Twin Cities."
- MN Fringe Audience Review
"Emotional and professional wreckage has never looked so sincere."
- MN Fringe Audience Review
"how dare you. so funny. so worth it. i cried for a timberchimp. how dare you."
- MN Fringe Audience Review
Read an excerpt at New Play Exchange here